Speciality Coffee - Mexico - Finca Muxbal - Tapachula

Our latest speciality coffee is from a location on the slope of the Tacana Volcano, bordering with Guatemala, Finca Muxbal. This farm has been kept in the family and is now run by mother and son Maeggi Rodriguez and Jorge Gallard. This is a coffee with a pleasant body, sweetness, spices and notes of papya. The farm is 100% RFA certified they have a strong goal to produce a product that creates as little impact to their ecological surroundings as possible.

The coffee is strictly high grown at around 1600m, its fully washed and then sun dried.


We're currently experimenting with roast profiles for for our initial tasting we waited for the roar of the first crack to settle down and just as second crack started to develop dumped the beans into the cooler.

The grain pro bag certainly kept the moisture content in, as we found we had to add a little extra heat to finalise the roast.

The bean size was very consistent and it reflected in the roast.


They currently have a  5-year sustainable production goal of 30 qq. parchment / hectare. (1 quintal is equivalent to 46 Kg). This is to be achieved by implementing agricultural practices that make rational use of existing resources, working in harmony with nature, incorporating knowledge and focusing on four key points, which are:  Product quality,  Economic profitability,  Social responsibility,  Environmental leadership.

The following quote shows their commitment

"Our main commitment is to integrate the economic, social and ecological aspects of the coffee plantation. This means we must increase and maintain production and search for better sales prices."

The farm is currently 100% rainforest alliance certified, which we believe demonstrates they heading in the right direction.